the members of Saint Faith's Episcopal Church, recognize that we are disciples
Jesus Christ. As disciples, we are committed to providing a Christian environment
spiritual growth and to responding to the needs of our community
Saturday March 15, 2025 - 5:30 PM - Get your Tickets at Church
Sunday January 26, 2025 - 11:00 AM
St Faith's held our 70th Annual Meeting after the 10 AM Service.
The following retiring members
of the Vestry were acknowledged with our sincere thanks for their service:
o Mark Hadley -
o Tilcia Branch
o Marlene Rig
Christine gave special thanks to Mark Hadley who has served on the Vestry for
the past 9 years, and been our Jr. Warden.
Although Mark is stepping down from the Vestry, Mark will continue his service
to the Parish.
New members elected to the Vestry (2025-2028) were:
o Garth Fairairn
o Lou Ann Morales
o Marlene Rigg - was elected to a 2nd term.
Sr. Warden, Christine Piersol addressed the congregation and a detailed packet of reports from the various groups was distributed. The parish remains on solid ground with many new oppotunities for spiratural growth and impacts on our local community in the future.
Eve Service: 5:00 PM Tuesday December 24, 2024
December 22, 2024 Congratulations to Cecelia Jones and Allen Hodgkin on their marriage yesterday. Although the ceremony was in California quite a few friends and family joined them via Zoom.
We look forward to a return visit sometime in the new year when we will be able to celebrate with them.
Life Line Screening at St. Faith's Monday February 17, 2025
We have great news, St. Faith's
will be hosting a Life Line Screening event on
February 17, 2025. Life Line Screening
is the premier provider of stroke and cardiovascular disease risk screenings
since 1993. As the host of the event, Life Line
Screening is extending a special offer to all of our St. Faith's members
for a screening package that enables you to get
peace of mind or early detection.
Choral Concert was held Friday. December 6, 2024 at 6 PM
North Classical Academy performed a Christmas Choral Concert that all enjoyed.
Cutler Bay!!! Enjoy the new “Little Library”- take a book/ leave
a book at St. Faith’s Episcopal Church. 10600 Caribbean Blvd. Look for
the cute little house out by the parking lot.
A community outreach project organized by Boy Scout Troop 248 and St Faith’s.
This was an Eagle Scout project by Patrick Kerner.
20, 2024 We are sad to report that our beloved'Church Cat" who has lived
on our property for about 10 years passed away this past week. It appears that
he passed away peacefully, with no signs of trauma.
Over the years, Fr. Mike said he learned to speak 'cat' and they regularly had conversations from time to time. Thank you to all the St. Faith's family that made sure he always had food and water over the years and chased off the peacocks when it was time to eat.
October 6, 2024: Since
this week marked the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of
animals and the environment,
St. Faith's held a Blessing of the Pets service at our regularly scheduled Sunday
services. We set up in the Parish House.
In spite of the heavy
rains, we had a fabulous event, with several families from Troop 248 joining
in on the blessing.
Fr. Mike individually gave each pet a blessing. We even had a couple of 'Woof
Woof' amen's during the sermon.
28, 2024: St Faith's Scout Troop 248 held their COURT OF HONOR inducting Oberon
Cotta as their latest to achieve Eagle Scout. It was Obi's Eagle Scout
service project that provided St. Faith's with our new wood fence enclosure
around the dumpster. Obi raised the necessary funds, purchased the materials
then organized and directed his troop in the construction. This enclosure brings
St. Faith's into compliance with new code requirments that must keep dumpster's
out of direct public view.
Junah Sutton served as master of ceremonies, Scoutmaster Brad Hadley presented the honors and those in attendance heard several letters of congratulations read including those from the mayor of Cutler Bay and other dignitaries.
Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Since its inception in 1911, only four percent of Scouts have earned this rank after a lengthy process.
Obi has been an active scout member of our troop 248 since 2019, achieving several special awards, 31 Merit Badges including 14 Eagle badges. . He has spent countless hours in support of his troop and the activities that have made so many great improvements in and around St. Faith's
St. Faith's new Wood Fence Enclosure for
the Dumpster
funeral service was held for Dorothy Culmer who passed away on Thursday July
18, 2024 at the age of 92.
Dorothy had been a long time, active member of
the St. Faiths community for many years.
She served on the Vestry several times, most
recently from 2019 to 2021. She was a regular volunteer for the St. Faiths food
pantry and was a member of Daughters of the King.
She taught math for Dade County Public Schools for over 40 years and was a member of Miami Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
We will miss her smile and quick wit.
June 16, 2024: In honor of Father’s Day - the ECW of St Faith hosted a
brunch after the 10 AM service. Everyone enjoyed delicious food and good cheer.
June 15, 2024: The Village of Early Education at St. Faith's celebrated their
2024 graduating class with a festive celebration enjoyed by their families and
The Village of Early Education provides a pre-school learning environment with an outstanding staff. The bright smiles and laughter is always a joy to see and hear.
Mike attended the annual Blessing of Hands event at The Church of the Ascension
Sunday May 26.
The blessing of hands is an annual event of the Episcopal Church in South Florida Health Ministry. This blessing serves as a reminder of the way that nurses’ hands, in addition to their minds and hearts, serve as key instruments of compassion, care, and healing for their patients.
90th Birthday
Ralph Fairbairn
We had the great pleasure of celebrating 90 incredible years with this amazing saint of St.Faith at our coffee hour this past Sunday April 14, 2024
We wish you many more years of laughter and love.
was a funeral for Monica Heron on Saturday April 6. Monica went to be with our
Lord and Savior March 25, 2024. There will be a visitation and viewing in the
church starting at11 AM, with a Funeral Eucharist at 12:30 PM, followed by a
repast / reception in the Parish Hall.
Monica Emelda Heron was born on September 7th, 1943 in Kingston, Jamaica. She is predeceased by her husband Noel Anthony Heron, whom she was married to for over 46 years.
St. Faith's community celebrated an amazing Holy Week that included Palm Sunday
with the Procession of the Palms; then Holy Eucharist followed by Stripping
of the Altar on Maundy Thursday; then Stations of the Cross on Good Friday and
ending with Easter Sunday with the striking of the New Fire & Festive Easter
Mass followed by a fabulous breakfast in the Parish Hall. (all of this while
we were stressing over some broken AC units)
Thank you to all who participated and the many helping hands.
Sunday January 28, 2024 - 11:00 AM
St Faith's held our 69th Annual Meeting after the 10 AM Service.
The following retiring members
of the Vestry were acknowledged with our sincere thanks for their service:
o Virgina Covarrubias
o Cecilia Jones
New members elected to the Vestry (2024-2027) were:
o Brad Hadley
o Lorienne Watson
Sr. Warden, Christine Piersol addressed
the congregation and a detailed packet of reports from the various groups was
distributed. The parish remains on solid ground with many new oppotunities for
spiratural growth and impacts on our local community in the future.
January 7, 2024 - 10:00 AM
Bishop Eaton visited St Faith’s and celebrated Holy Communion with us on January 7, 2024. Our Scout Troop 248 assisted in the procession. It was a great uplifting service.
A light luncheon and refreshments was served in the Parish Hall after the service.
Thank you to Sr. Warden Christine Piersol, and Parish Administrator Esther Caselli for their planning and shopping for that event, and for the many hands that helped with the clean up afterwards.
Saint Faith's Episcopal Church
10600 Caribbean
Boulevard; Cutler Bay, Florida 33189
Here for Map
Office: 305. 235.3621
Email: Office@saintfaiths.org
Office Hours Tuesday and Thursday 10 AM - 2 PM
Sunday Services:
10:00 AM
Coffee Hour - Parish House after services